The City of Venice passes the Feinsod non-enforceable mask mandate through the end of October.




The City of Venice passes the Feinsod non-enforceable mask mandate through the end of October.

** Update: The mandate extension until the end of October passes on a 4 – 3 vote.

To me this is a non issue because with the new mandate, I have not changed the way I shop or walk down the street. I still do not wear a mask and I claim medical exemption, so I don’t care if it pass or not. I would like the Mayor to put forth a mandate that will stop smoking in public because the second hand smoke is hazardous to my health. Since they are requesting people to wear mask because not wearing one is hazardous to the health of others, I don’t think this request is to far fetched (I am being humorous for the trolls that missed it.


I HAVE NOT dawned a mask for 6 months and somehow I survived the pandemic………… I keep waiting to get deathly ill as many of the haters have suggested, it just is not happening. I wonder why………..Every day I talk to people that state they don’t by the mask and other narratives being pushed by groups about the virus, but they dawn the mask to avoid being harassed. That compliance leads individuals like this Mayor to push out mask mandates. Instead take off the mask and get healthy with exercise, vitamin D, C, and zinc. If you elderly or have a compromised immune system, take action to protect yourself versus wanting others to be responsible for your health by wearing a mask. Next thing you now, the Mayor will mandate that I can’t eat a donut in front of an obese person because they will be tempted to eat it and it will have a negative impact on their health. We don’t need a government that can’t even manage the city, managing our lives do we?

Yep, the Venice Council is the only local council that is still live streaming, so if we are lucky we will see the Mayor walk his laptop in the bathroom to relieve himself once again.  I commend Council Member Joe Nuender who has taken it upon himself to be the only council member to finally show up in council versus live streaming in his pajamas from the comfort of his home.


Starting at 9am today
#Venice: An Ordinance of the City of Venice, Florida, Requiring Face Coverings as More Fully Specified Herein; Allowing for Exceptions to the Face Covering Requirement; Providing a Penalty for Violation; Providing for Severability;
Providing for Reading by Title Only; and Providing for an Effective Date.Watch it at: