The City of Sarasota and Venice face mask mandates are virtually nullified after the governors executive order shutting down all mask violation fines by local municipalities
Francesco Abbruzzino, Publisher, The Scoop
The governor said he would stop cities and counties from collecting fines on people who don’t wear face masks, virtually nullifying local mask ordinances. While the governor doesn’t plan to preempt local rules regarding masks, he is stepping in when it comes to fines. Speaking Friday in St. Petersburg, Gov. Ron DeSantis said all outstanding fines and penalties that have been applied against individuals for failing to follow local mask rules are suspended.
So, Sarasota and Venice’s threat to fine individuals $50 and up to $500 if individuals’ contest the violation is mute. I have not worn a mask anywhere in the city since he passed the ordinance and now others can join me and fight they tyranny, without the threat of fines.