Suncoast: Police are continuing to investigate scam calls involving people pretending to be with the IRS, FBI, or MCSO




Suncoast: Police are continuing to investigate scam calls involving people pretending to be with the IRS, FBI, or MCSO




SOCIAL SECURITY PHONE SCAM: MCSO is continuing to investigate scam calls involving people pretending to be with the IRS, FBI, or MCSO. We have shared this scam with you in recent weeks, but today alone we received three reports of this scam, and we want to make sure you are aware of what to look for in they event they call you.


These scammers are alleging the person’s social security numbers are being used in criminal activity and they must pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars in gift cards to make the problem go away.


If you receive a call from someone saying they’re with a government or law enforcement agency and they request your personal financial info or demand payment, it’s a scam!


For more info and tips on how to handle these situations, visit:


Scams and fraudulent phone calls can be reported to and Additional info on the latest scams and fraud can also be found on and