SARASOTA: #WalkAway Campaign Presents “Rescue America Weekend” Flotilla, Rally and Caravan. Conservative activist Brandon Straka and The #WalkAway Campaign are coming to Sarasota
SARASOTA: #WalkAway Campaign Presents “Rescue America Weekend” Flotilla, Rally and Caravan. Conservative activist Brandon Straka and The #WalkAway Campaign are coming to Sarasota
Gail Lawing
Thousands are walking away from the Left, formerly known as the Democrat party in favor of Safety and Freedom. If you are disheartened about where their party is going and goes against your moral fabric, join us, you are not alone.
SARASOTA: #WalkAway Campaign Presents “Rescue America Weekend” Flotilla, Rally and Caravan. Conservative activist Brandon Straka and The #WalkAway Campaign are coming to Sarasota, FL to encourage freedom loving Americans to rescue our country from anti-American radicals and their agendas of hate, violence, division, destruction, and anti-Americanism being promoted in our society today.
BOAT FLOTILLA Sunday, September 20th 10:00am – 11:30am: RESCUE AMERICA BOAT FLOTILLA in Sarasota Bay, FL Boat Flotilla Location: *Meet up in Little Sarasota Bay at 9:30am just south of Ringling Bridge near ICW & Marina Jacks FREE TO ATTEND
MARCH Sunday, September 20th 12:00pm – 2:00pm: RESCUE AMERICA MARCH, Sarasota, FL. Speeches from #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka as well as conservative influencers and personalities. March Location:
Details to follow. FREE TO ATTEND
CAR CARAVAN Sunday, September 20th 2:00pm – 4:00pm: RESCUE AMERICA CARAVAN, Sarasota, FL Caravan Location: Details to Follow: FREE TO ATTEND
All political parties are welcomed and encouraged to attend this peaceful event to engage in a respectful and thoughtful discussion about the challenges facing America today. The Sarasota events are the tenth in a series of nationwide rallies & events from coast to coast until the end of this year.Future cities include Nashville, Phoenix, Omaha, Atlanta and many more to come. #WalkAway WILL PROVIDE VOTER REGISTRATION AT EVENT! FREE REGISTRATION: I will be available for any interviews about this groundbreaking event, and I ENCOURAGE media to attend the event for coverage!Brandon Straka ** #WalkAway Campaign is a 501C3 non-profit organization. We do not endorse or promote any political candidate or political party.
*Location information will be shared with registered attendees a few days before the event. Thank you!