Sarasota Sheriff: “Edwin Parris-Frett is another former Fugitive Friday star that is now behind bars
Sarasota Sheriff: “Edwin Parris-Frett is another former Fugitive Friday star that is now behind bars
#InCustody: Our Fugitive Apprehension Unit is at it again, tracking down yet another #FugitiveFriday candidate! Edwin Parris-Frett was featured just last week, wanted for Violation of Probation on a felony DWLS charge. Awesome job by our FAU deputies working in partnership with the US Marshals FL Regional Fugitive Task Force to quickly get him off the streets!
#InCustody: Our FAU is at it again, tracking down yet another #FugitiveFriday candidate! Edwin Parris-Frett was wanted for VOP on a felony DWLS charge. Great job by our deputies working w/ the @USMarshalsHQ FL Regional Fugitive Task Force to quickly get him off the streets!
— SarasotaSheriff (@SarasotaSheriff) September 1, 2020