Pursuant to Section 403.077, F.S., the Department of Environmental Protection has received the following Public Notice of Pollution for a reportable release. All information displayed was submitted by the reporting party.
Type of Notice: Initial Report
Date of Notice: 09/11/2020
Incident Information
Name of Incident: 5510 Bahia Vista St 091020
State Watch Office Case Number: 4801
Start of Incident: 09/10/2020 19:15
End of Incident: 09/10/2020 22:15
Incident Description
Utility staff responded to a call of a potential wastewater leak at 5510 Bahia Vista. Upon initial investigation crews discovered that an ARV, located in an underground manhole, on a 24″ force main had malfunctioned. The crew was able isolate the ARV and stop the spill. Approximately 54,000 gallons of raw sewage spilled into a nearby stormwater structure that drains into a stormwater pond. Approximately 16,000 gallons of sewage mixed with stormwater was recovered during clean up using County equipment. Sampling of the pond, clean-up and notifications are proceeding per protocol.
Incident Location
Facility/Installation Name: Bee Ridge WRF Service Area
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
State: FL
Zip Code:
Coordinates (in decimal degrees):
Lat: 27.322882254989562, Long: -82.45894689992693
Click to view Incident Location
Impacted Counties: Sarasota
Incident Reported By
Name: Christopher Frost
Title: Supervisor
Phone: (941) 961-6790
E-mail Address: [email protected]
On-Site Contact
Name: Patricia Nihart
Phone: (941) 861-6790
E-mail Address: [email protected]
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Public Notice of Pollution
Florida Department of Environmental Protection