Halloween Canceled: LA County Bans Door-to-Door Trick-Or-Treating





…the one day people actually want to wear masks…


Los Angeles County has announced it’s cancelling Halloween.


The county health commission released ghastly new guidelines Tuesday eliminating many of the activities traditionally celebrated during the yearly fall holiday.


One activity labeled “not permitted”: Halloween parties.

“Halloween gatherings, events or parties with non-household members are not permitted even if they are conducted outdoors,” the guidance mandates, adding that “gatherings and events are not currently allowed under the health Officer Order).”


Haunted house attractions are also inexplicably eliminated.


In another section, the county advises parents against allowing children to go trick-or-treating, claiming it poses a health risk.


“Door to door trick or treating is not recommended because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors, ensure that everyone answering or coming to the door is appropriately masked to prevent disease spread, and because sharing food is risky.”


And trunk-or-treating? Don’t even think about it.


“’Trunk or treating’ where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats is also not recommended, particularly when part of Halloween events, since it is difficult to avoid crowding and sharing food.”


Instead of fun events, LA county residents are advised to keep their distance by observing “online parties” and “car parades,” and taking part in “Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters (must comply with the public health drive in movie theater guidance).”


The county is also graciously allowing homes and yards to be decorated, and allowing residents to have “Halloween-themed meals at outdoor restaurants (must comply with the restaurant protocol).”


Joining in the tyranny, Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Wednesday Chicago would be observing similar restrictions on Halloween.

