Federal Authorities Have Already Documented Two Cases In Which Votes Have Been “Discarded” In Key Swing States 


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Federal Authorities Have Already Documented Two Cases In Which Votes Have Been “Discarded” In Key Swing States


The integrity of our elections is of paramount importance, because if our ability to choose our own leaders is compromised that undermines everything that our system of government is based upon.  So every American should be hyper-sensitive to any allegation that our votes are being tampered with, because any attack on the voting process is an attack on all of us.  This is one issue that should be able to unite Republicans and Democrats, and hopefully people across the political spectrum will report anything suspicious that they notice over the coming weeks.  And as I become aware of troubling incidents, I will share them with my readers, because the integrity of our elections is definitely one of my hot button issues.

When I heard that some military ballots in Pennsylvania had been tampered with, that immediately set off alarm bells.  Federal officials are telling us that they recently discovered that nine military ballots in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania had been “improperly opened” and “discarded”


According to a letter from U.S. Attorney Freed to the county elections director, the inquiry into Luzerne County’s ballot handling began Monday, and found that nine military ballots had been “improperly opened” by elections staff and “discarded.”


He wrote that “the majority” of the recovered ballots and envelopes were found in an outside dumpster — seven of the nine ballots outside their official envelopes, and two that elections staff had apparently recovered and sealed back in their envelopes. He said investigators also found four “apparently official” absentee ballot envelopes that were empty.


It appears that someone wanted to get rid of those votes permanently.  After all, you certainly don’t put votes in a dumpster for safekeeping.


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