Fauci: Return to Pre-Coronavirus Normality Will Be ‘Well into 2021’




Fauci: Return to Pre-Coronavirus Normality Will Be ‘Well into 2021’ – Breitbart



National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that it will be “well into 2021” before the country returns to a “degree of normality” of pre-coronavirus times.


Mitchell said, “You’ve been talking about vaccines, the flu season is coming, of course, so there’s that as well. Let’s talk about vaccines and where we stand on a COVID vaccine. You’ve been cautiously optimistic, you’ve said, that something safe and effective, several vaccines could be available in early 2021. You said Wednesday on Instagram live that it might not be safe to go to movie theaters or similar indoor events, concerts, let’s say, until a year after we have an effective vaccine, to have it distributed widely enough. Can you explain? How long will it be before we get back to what we consider normal?”