Concern with the City of Venice feeble defense of their mask mandate, after the only form of enforcement (penalty fee) has been shut down by the Governor’s Executive Order



From: Larry
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 11:00:30 PM
To: City Council <[email protected]>
Subject: Today’s Press Release


  Do you know how feeble your defense of the city’s mask ordinance appears? The press release online only makes the city look weak. They can’t enforce the mask ordinance because there can be no penalty; yet you claim they can charge people for failure to obey the ordinance!


Imagine that a citizen were charged, tried in court, and found guilty…what would be the penalty?  You need to work on appearing to be honest rather than save face over an ill-conceived ordinance. Just be forthcoming and admit the ordinance is rendered invalid.


FYI: Wearing a mask creates the potential or even the likelihood of what doctors call “reinoculation” with the virus, increasing the viral load for anyone who might already have it. Spending more time outdoors is the best way to avoid exposure; masks are the worst!


Thank God for the Governor’s decision to return our freedom to us after the city council voted to deprive us of our right to pursue happiness.