City of Venice: Volunteers needed to serve on advisory boards
City of Venice: Volunteers needed to serve on advisory boards
City of Venice
Know someone who wants to get involved in the community, but isn’t exactly sure how? Serving on a City of Venice advisory board is an excellent way to get started. Currently, 6 regular seats and 3 student seats on different boards are open. Boards are currently meeting in a hybrid format, both in-person and virtually via Zoom. Vacancies are as follows:
Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals (4 vacancies)
This board meets on call of the chairman in Council Chambers at City Hall. Seven members shall consist of individuals with knowledge and experience in the technical codes, such as design professionals, contractors or building industry representatives. In addition to the regular members, three alternate members to serve as consumer representatives. Consumer representatives shall not be, or ever have been, members or practitioners of a trade or profession regulated by the board or a member of any closely related trade or profession. A board member shall not act in a case in which the member has a personal or financial interest.
Historic Preservation Board (1 regular and 1 student vacancy)
This board shall meet on the third Friday of each month at 9 a.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. Seven regular members shall be City residents or owner of real property located within the City. One non-voting member from a Venice area high school student body recommended by the principal or his designee shall be appointed for a one-year term. The members shall be individuals who have demonstrated special interest, experience or knowledge in history, architecture or related disciplines, as well as the heritage of the city.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (1 student vacancy)
This board shall meet quarterly, January, April, July and October, the third Monday of each month at 3 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. One member shall be from a Venice area high school student body, recommended by the principal or his designee. The student member shall be appointed for a one-year term, with a possible reappointment not to exceed three consecutive terms, allowing for three years’ maximum.
Public Art Advisory Board (1 student vacancy)
This board shall meet quarterly the second Wednesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. One member shall be from a Venice area high school student body recommended by the principal or his designee. Members shall have appropriate backgrounds in public art, architecture, cultural policy or related fields and should demonstrate an interest and knowledge in public art issues.
Venice Housing Authority (1 vacancy)
This board shall meet on the third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at 201 Grove St., Venice. The board’s mission is to find sanitary dwelling accommodations available to families of low income at rental they can afford.
More information on these boards can be found online here. You can also contact Administrative Coordinator Mercedes Barcia in the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or 941-882-7392. If you are interested in serving on a board, please submit your application here. All resumes will be considered when vacancies occur.