City of North Port eliminates several positions to balance the budget




City of North Port eliminates several positions to balance the budget






Here’s my breakdown of what transpired at our commission and district budget meetings on 9/3/20. I also have included the links to the meetings for your viewing pleasure.
Before I begin, quick recap: the not-to-exceed millage rate is 3.8735 (the same as last year’s millage rate). Roll back rate is 3.6699. After July workshops proposed millage rate was 3.8240. Then we received revised revenue projects from the State, which required us to cut $2.5M from the budget and putting the millage rate back to 3.8735. August 17, we made changes and we instructed the ACM to have millage rate set at 3.8240 for 1st reading. We took the following consensuses that affected the millage rate.
FYI — the numbers are approximate, any salaries include salary and benefits
• Reduce one code enforcement position <$56K>. PASSED 3-2 with Luke and McDowell dissenting. I dissented because we need code enforcement officers especially once evictions are reinstated and forbearances come due.
• Remove one Admin Services Specialist and add back the Staff Assistant 1 position we cut during workshops net <$20k>. PASSED 4-1 with Luke dissenting
• Remove EDC Corporation funding with a later motion to instruct ACM to create a budget amendment once the agreement is signed by all municipalities and the County <$74K>. PASSED 4-1 with Luke dissenting
• Remove Tech Support Services <$63K>. PASSED 5-0
• Add in a Forensic position +$29K. PASSED 3-2 with Hanks and McDowell Dissenting. I dissented because staff said they were okay with this being removed and it could be fulfilled with a budget amendment as funding becomes available.
• Add in a Crime Analysis position +$43. PASSED 4-1 with McDowell dissenting. I dissented for the same reason as above.
• Remove Staff Assistant II position <$71K>. FAILED 1-4 with Hanks, Emrich, Luke and Carusone dissenting
• Remove Real estate consultant <$15K>. PASSED 3-1 with Carusone dissenting and Hanks absent for this vote
• Remove funding for Challenge coins <$720.>. PASSED 4-0 with Hanks absent for the vote
• Remove Growth interactive model <$75K>. PASSED 5-0
• Remove Activity Center overlay <$150K>. FAILED 2-3 with Luke, Hanks and Carusone dissenting
• Remove Archeologist <$51K>. PASSED 3-2 with Carusone and Luke dissenting
The new proposed millage rate is 3.7667. Vote 5-0 This rate could still be reduced during 2nd and final reading on September 17 at 5:01pm.
Approve the FY 20/21 Budget and Capital Improvement Projects with the above changes. Vote 5-0. This also could be revised at 2nd reading.
• Approved the assessment with a 5% increase to the assessment. Vote 4-1 with McDowell dissenting. I could not approve the increase because of the 6 recruit positions being added.
• Approve the Fire District Budget. Vote 4-1 with McDowell dissenting for the same reason as the increase in assessment. This will go to 2nd Reading on September 17 at 5:01pm
• Approve the R&D Budget. Vote 4-1 with McDowell dissenting. I dissented because R&D will be having a new inhouse finish mowing crew. I believe we should allow private sector to handle this and not grow government jobs. I also am concerned that more equipment and employees will be needed once the city starts doing this work. This will go to 2nd Reading on September 17 at 5:01pm
• Approve the same assessment rate as last year. Vote 5-0.
• Approve the Solid Waste budget. Vote 5-0. This will go to 2nd Reading on September 17 at 5:01pm
• Approve the same assessment rate as last year. Vote 5-0