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Mac Slavo
September 8th, 2020


New York governor Andrew Cuomo says a full-blown police state is necessary in the state before he “allows” restaurants to reopen for indoor dining. That means, he’s threatening a police state communist society if people want to eat inside as winter approaches.


Cuomo said would not “allow” indoor dining to return in New York City unless local politicians devoted significant police resources to enforcing social distancing and other reopening conditions, according to a report by Reason. Meaning, that as a totalitarian tyrant, Cuomo wants more enforcers to violently shove his rules and commands down the throats of everyone.  But if you have eyes to see, you’ll know this is all a part of the agenda.


“Our rules and guidance on reopening is only as good as the compliance and the enforcement,” Cuomo said, adding that state resources have already been stretched thin attempting to enforce limits on the serving of alcohol by outdoor restaurants in the city. “If we open restaurants that’s going to complicate by the hundreds if not thousands the number of establishments that have to be monitored.”


Restaurants in the rest of New York state have been allowed to reopen their dining rooms at 50 percent capacity provided they maintain six feet of distance between parties and following other physical distancing guidelines. Earlier this week, one New York City restaurant filed a $2 billion class-action lawsuit against state and local officials over their continued ban on indoor dining. –Reason


Politicians are continuing to war against the public. Be aware of what’s going on, and make no mistake; all of this is planned to cause as much fear and pain as possible so you will willingly accept the New World Order.


The United States is a totalitarian dictatorship now, and have been since about March. The Constitution either allowed this government to exist or was powerless to stop it. Sadly, it’s a fact we need to come to terms with. We, as humans need to stop giving power to other people.  This seems obvious right now, but Americans are not figuring it out.