An Obscure Law In Pennsylvania Could Result In 100,000 Mail-In Ballots Being Thrown Out Without Ever Being Counted  


Photo: Flickr, Cindy Shebley, Creative Commons



An Obscure Law In Pennsylvania Could Result In 100,000 Mail-In Ballots Being Thrown Out Without Ever Being Counted


We are still more than 40 days away from the election, and already we are seeing huge red flags regarding the integrity of the voting process in some states.  No matter who you support, you should want the upcoming election to be fair.  Every American should be able to vote, all of those votes should be counted, and the decision that the American people make should be respected.  Unfortunately, it appears that this is likely to be the most chaotic election in modern American history, and wrangling over what votes should be counted and what votes should not be counted is likely to persist long after election night is over.  In the end, it would not be surprising to see the outcome of the election end up at the Supreme Court, and that is a scenario that none of us should want to see.

Let me give you an example that shows why I am so concerned.  In Pennsylvania, a recent legal decision requires officials to throw out mail-in ballots without counting them if voters do not return them in “secrecy envelopes”


Philadelphia’s top elections official is warning of electoral chaos in the presidential battleground state if lawmakers there do not remove a provision in Pennsylvania law that, under a days-old court decision, requires counties to throw out mail-in ballots returned without secrecy envelopes.


This is a very big deal, because large numbers of votes could be voided in one of our most important swing states.


According to the Washington Times, it is being estimated that “more than 100,000 mail-in ballots” could potentially be thrown out…


Some 30,000 to 40,000 mail-in ballots could arrive without secrecy envelopes in Philadelphia alone in November’s presidential election, Deeley estimated, and the state Supreme Court’s interpretation of current law forces election officials to throw them out.


Statewide, that could mean throwing out more than 100,000 mail-in ballots in the Nov. 3 presidential election, according to some estimates.


In 2016, President Trump won the state of Pennsylvania by just 44,292 votes.


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