Reports of a possible drowning at the Venice Sun Inn




Reports of a possible drowning at the Venice Sun Inn


Update: The person is in a compa, per my contact on the ground at the hotel


Josh Fedga


Five Hispanic guys where bbq and drinking by the pool at the hotel I am staying at.   Two of themcame up to my door trying to get in.  I open door and said what is up.  They started speaking Spanish to me told him idk Spanish.  Then one of them started saying my friend my friend in pool I said okay, he said he cant swim.  So I ran to pool man in deep end at bottom of pool I called 911 as I was calling two of them took off to a room to pack there shit.  My buddy blocked one from leaving, one took off on Island and vpd got him. The other guy took off to his room where the other two guys where sleeping, he woke them up yelling we got to go.   The cops came and the ambulance.  They got the guy out of  pool, but I do not think he made it. Supposedly none of them know how to swim. The police are roping off the pool now.