“Fear Is The Primary Driver” Of Mental Health Problems

“Fear Is The Primary Driver” Of Mental Health Problems
Author: Mac Slavo
Website: www.SHTFplan.com
A new study on the mental health problems facing Americans in the aftermath of the mainstream media’s constant fear-mongering propaganda-driven narrative on the coronavirus scamdemic, states that “fear is the primary driver.” Because the ruling class and elites manufacture consent for enslavement using fear, don’t expect this to change the way the mainstream media reports on anything.
According to USA Today, a psychological survey of 10,368 American adults amid the coronavirus plandemic found that the fear of it has led to higher levels of depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and psychological trauma. “These are all factors contributing to poor mental health outcomes — higher levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms, as well as suicide ideation and general thoughts about suicide,” Kevin Fitzpatrick, Jones Chair in Community at the University of Arkansas and one of the co-authors of the studies, told Yahoo Finance. “Fear is a primary driver and an important factor in determining the mental health of our sampled U.S. adults.”
The system is reliant on fear to keep it going. If people are not afraid, they don’t need to be governed (controlled, ruled). If people are terrified, they will submit to any level of enslavement under the false sense of security politicians pretend to offer.
The researchers, who published the finding across three studies, found that aside from the health risks that come with coronavirus, stress arises from “the unique juxtaposition of extreme physical distancing, approaching geographical isolation, coupled with sustained isolation” as well as fear about losing jobs or not being able to pay bills or afford food.
“As long as the mind is enslaved the body can never be free.” –Martin Luther King Jr.
This whole scamdemic has been a battle for the mind and which entity you allow to control your perception. Whoever you allow to control your mind, controls you. Go within yourself, and seek the truth. It’s there behind the facade and the fake theatre masquerading as government. If we can all break free mentally, we have a chance to break free from those who think they own us.
Author: Mac Slavo
Website: www.SHTFplan.com