Ashley Roshelle Vickers: Please pray for this sweet, fragile old man who is going through hell at a local hospital
Ashley Roshelle Vickers: Please pray for this sweet, fragile old man who is going through hell at a local hospital
Below is the response that was sent to me from the hospital in question, after I sent them this full write-up. I asked them to provide any information and I will put it out. As you can see, they chose to refer me to the police for the police report. I must state that what Ashley writes are ALLEGATIONS and there is always two sides to every story. Unfortunately I was unable to get the other side of this particular story. Frankie
Hi Francesco –
I want to assure you that the safety of our patients – and our caregivers and staff – is a top priority. We take feedback from patients and their families seriously. Due to federal privacy guidelines, we are unable to discuss individual patient cases. Our staff is cooperating with the police as they review this situation and they will be your best source for information.
Please pray for this sweet, fragile old man.
Not only is he suspected to have cancer that has spread to his brain, but he’s in the hospital from hell. I Just found out a nurse “fought” him last night. “Fought” this man. Does he look like he can fight?? He can barely breathe, walk, or talk. Needs a cane to walk and falls constantly.
He told the nurse that was stationed on his floor that he had to pee. She told him to pee lying down with the pee bucket. He said he could not and that the day nurse that watches over him allows him to sit at the end of the bed and pee. She told him “you’ll do what I say” and was forcing him down on the bed.
He has scratches all over his arms from this nasty excuse for nurse. He fought back as much as his frail body would allow and the police were called. And SHE is going to file charges. HA!
I will make it my mission moving forward to get this place shut down. Not only was I left for dead in the ER bathroom when I attempted a visit recently, but my mom was also treated like dirt during her visit. Mocked for how she was in agony, told by the nurse she would be the last one to get her meds Because she “acted like a child”. The nurse knew she was wrong when she screamed at my mom, “I’m not losing my license over you”. By golly you sure will when I’m done with that place!! She said to my mom, “haven’t you ever given birth? Are you an only child?!” Where in the hell does the hospital find these winners?? They hate life, and they take it out on these poor patients.
We are fed up. We are beyond disgusted. If anyone has any advice as to where to start, please help me. My mom has already spoken to the “chief of nurses” who told her we must write everything down and send it to the hospital. Nope. I need someone else to talk to. It is obvious anyone affiliated with that place will not help.
We’ve been to the police station and have a copy of the police report (which is a complete joke), my mom has spoken directly to several officials at the hospital. I took pictures of his injuries. I will await tomorrow’s call and go from there. As soon as the biopsy is complete we will be requesting a transfer to another hospital until we have the next step in his plan. At least I know he’ll be treated decent there.
I am sick to my stomach right now. My uncle who is 76 and has Parkinson’s, cancer that has spread to his brain, and suffers from seizures keeps crying for his kids who want nothing to do with him, and wants to come home. If I had the money to quit my job and take him on full time I would. But that’s not reality. I feel helpless. Furious and helpless.