After Nearly 150 Days Of Lockdown, Argentina’s COVID-19 Outbreak Is Deadlier Than Ever | Zero Hedge
With the reform-minded business-friendly conservatives out, and the Peronistas back in power in Argentina, one of South America’s biggest and most troubled economies is struggling to get back on its feet, bolstered by the promise of more rope from the IMF and the country’s other creditors, despite arriving at its 3rd default in 20 years, and its 9th in history – the most of any country.
This unfortunate reputation has led some to joke that only three things in life are certain: death, taxes and another Argentinian sovereign default.
But as the country prepares for yet another refinancing thanks to the IMF, the government has revealed that the country’s already damaged economy has been absolutely hammered by one of the world’s longest, and strictest, lockdowns.
?? "We are not anti-quarantine, we are anti-corruption."
Thousands in Argentine cities rallied on Monday against extended lockdown measures, economic hardship and planned judicial reforms
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) August 18, 2020