A protest is planned for Saturday at the Sarasota Post Office to show their support?





A protest is planned for Saturday at the Sarasota Post Office to show their support?


Julie london Ferguson

UPDATE: THIS SATURDAY 11:00AM – We are in the planning stage of a nationwide protest that is taking place at local Post Offices showing our support. In Sarasota, we’re thinking the Ringling location, because there is plenty of room in the parking lot to be safe. Show up with a sign and wear a mask. Stay tuned to this Facebook page and others like it for more information. (In the meantime, show your support daily between now and the election on your mailboxes (do not cover your street address).



For those of you that are protesting and think mail in ballots are not open to fraud and is a flawless process because that is the narrative being pushed by major media and the Democratic party, below are some links for your reading and viewing pleasure. If the gathering is to just honor the postal workers, then that is great and I can get behind it. However, if it is to push the major media and Democratic narrative that mail-in ballot process is flawless, then I would ask them to watch some of the video’s below. The video’s below don’t even cover all the ballots that are tossed just because the signature does not match the signature on the individuals driver license or other factors. I did go on this promoters page and she is Democrat and is passionate enough to attend the 1988 convention. There is nothing wrong with this, but I think it is something that should be put out there in the current environment. I understand the idea of mail-in ballots and am generally fine with the concept, especially in the current coronavirus environment where media has ensured that a large portion of the public is afraid to walk out their door for everything except protesting. However, I do know that there are opportunities for fraud that certain groups do capitalize on, in an effort to get their candidate a check in the win box.






In the report from WRDW, a reporter mails in mock ballots from various locations in Philadelphia to see how long votes take to reach their destination, a PO box set up to represent an election office.


This is a great argument as to why mail-in, but we know that already. https://www.westernjournal.com/elections-expert-shatters-leftist-narratives-mail-voting/



VIDEO: CITIZEN JOURNALIST BUSTS DEMOCRAT MAIL-IN VOTING NURSING HOME SCANDAL IN TEXAS https://nationalfile.com/video-citizen-journalist-busts-democrat-mail-in-voting-nursing-home-scandal/





Mail in ballot applications in Virginia tap into worries about fraud  https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/virginia-absentee-ballot-mixup/2020/08/06/5c4029ee-d764-11ea-930e-d88518c57dcc_story.html