You can watch live right now, the City of Venice live stream (still to concerned to meet at City Hall), where they will discuss mandating mask.




You can watch live right now, the City of Venice live stream (still to concerned to meet at City Hall), where they will discuss mandating mask.


Vote on mandating mask ordinance on a temporary basis fails (need 5 affirmatives). Feinsod, Fielder, and Caturro voted in favor of it.
Venice: Vote to strongly recommend wearing mask in public passes (need 5 affirmative votes). This is similar to what the county put out.

Passes 7 – 0




Pachotta is for a resolution versus an ordinance. Concerned about the language, liability to the city, and law enforcement burden to enforce. Seems like mask is 50/50. People that want it, seems more about fear and they do not provide statistical facts to support it. Mask offer a false sense of security (he is in the medical arena). His other concern is what is next, if we pass this, do we pass proper hygiene or walk down a street in a certain manner. Scolded the Mayor for rolling his eyes at him.

Neunder is not for mandating and is for a resolution.
Feinsod. All excuses for not mandating. He says the council members have forced him to take one by one, of their excuses. Enforcement is a red herring, it will not be an issue. We are putting hurting businesses without it and they will go to Sarasota because they mandate mask. Says that mandating mask will take away any issue of a wear or not wear mask fight. Wearing a mask should not be up to individuals. He is amazed that he is the only one that sees the need to mandate.

City Manager: Ordinance we can not enforce. Mandate we can enforce….. Feinsod is using this to support his position for mandating.
Mandating will enforce adherence and high degree of permanency.

Feinsod. Reading from some business owner in Sarasota supporting mask. He did not cover how businesses will suffer with a mandate because individuals like myself will shop and dine in the county, if this mandate is pushed through.
Feinsod is not happy that the majority of city commissioners are not on board with his mask mandate.
Caturro: I respect the opinions of my colleagues and I understand the gravity of the situation. The factor for me is that the ordinance can be a positive move towards the greater good.
Willing to institute a temporary mandate possibly, based upon where the numbers are heading and Sarasota Memorial staff have communicated. Fought whole life against gov. regulation, but he has to put this aside and consider the public good.
Willing to make a motion.

Moore. I wear a mask, in favor of them, just wants to make sure the city gets it right and doing this because the Mayor scolded them. For a resolution that they can do today and follow up on how the ordinance.

Feinsod: Wants to use City of Sarasota and Lido ordinance, which mandates mask outside……..


Attorney is breaking down the process for either mandating or just promoting the use of mask. Enforce-ability will be the biggest issue. Constitutionality issue is something that is the subject of suits throughout the state. Believes constitutional, but does not mean a suit will not be filed.
City Manager: W an emergency mask ordinance mandating, they will need 5 affirmative votes, w one reading. Two readings then they will only need 4 affirmative votes.

VPD Police Chief: Mandating mask will be a burden. Enforcing it w how the city has a puzzle setup will be difficult. People will complain and want us to act. Will we be arresting people or issuing citations.

City Manager: Sarasota it is a fine, this is the template they want to follow.
Attorney: It is a citation. Both jurisdiction have a special magistrate for this, but we do not have it yet. It is in the works, but not an easy process for hearing citation appeals.
VPD Chief: The citation appeal process will be a major concern. If you pass the ordinance, taking people to jail is an option. Chief does not appear to be in favor of mandating mask.