We have modified graduation at Venice High School is set for July 16th




We have modified graduation at Venice High School is set for July 16th


Eric Robinson


We have modified graduation at Venice High!
On July 16th we welcome you to join us in the VPAC for a Cap and Gown photo opportunity between 9:00A.M. and 5:00P.M. . Families are encouraged and welcome to attend. We will be taking professional photographs of graduates and their families. Seniors will be able to pick up pre-purchased yearbooks and senior class panoramic photos during this time. While in the lobby of the VPAC, we ask that you wear a face covering and remain in your vehicle until your designated time. Please sign up for a time slot on the link below. Thank you”

We are waiting on the link from the photographer. The information will be sent out via school social media, blackboard communications (call/text/email), and posted to our school website. We will be purchasing the rights to the images so that each family will be able to have access to the digital images free of charge to them. A total of eight families will be asked to sign up for a 10 minute time slot around the clock from 9am-5pm. As the sessions fill, we built in extra time to expand from 8am-8pm if we need to. Students and families will ultimately enter the VPAC lobby, sanitizer their hands and remain in a designated spot until it’s their time to enter the main area of the VPAC. Students and families will enter the main part of the VPAC to Pomp and Circumstance playing, receive their diploma cover and walk across the stage as their name is being called. A photo opportunity will take place on the stage with the family and then they will exit the opposite side of the stage.