Watch: Is the Sarasota officer harassing the man filming this situation or is the individual video taping completely in the wrong?
Watch: Is the Sarasota officer harassing the man filming this situation or is the individual video taping completely in the wrong?
Call me crazy but I don’t think the full story is being told. I am assuming there is some reason for the cop to stop this person, but lets assume that the poster is correct and that the poster is accurate.
In this day and time, is an officer crazy or harassing an individual because he is recording an incident, to avoid any accusations of police harassment? Who knows, perhaps the cop does not have a video in the car and I don’t believe they have body camera’s, so maybe he is concerned about what the individual will do with his video. So, perhaps the officer is filming the incident for his own protections. Who knows, I am making assumptions because the full picture is not known.
I am concerned with the person filming. By all means film, I have no issue with that at all. However, walking away in the manner he was and the expletives he used, were not necessary. I noticed that the film was either edited or cut off prior to seeing what the problem was, but I think the individual would have made a better case about being harassed. If he stayed in place, used less expletives, and just filmed the officer as he handled the police call; he may have a valid point with the narrative he is pushing. Unfortunately, walking away and using expletives does not make for pushing the police abuse narrative that the poster is trying to achieve.