Venice: New signal pattern, upgrades at W. Venice Ave/Harbor Dr intersection
Venice: New signal pattern, upgrades at W. Venice Ave/Harbor Dr intersection
City of Venice
The W. Venice Avenue/Harbor Drive intersection has been upgraded with new patterned, textured crosswalks, new pavement and striping, and a new traffic pattern to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety, part of the City of Venice Phase II Road Bond Resurfacing Projects.
Left lanes are now left turn only lanes with dedicated left turn arrows. The left turn arrow is activated when there is a car in the left turn lane. The signal then moves to the next cycle as soon as all vehicles have cleared the left lane or the maximum time for the left turn signal is exceeded. Once the dedicated left turn green arrow completes its cycle and the signal converts to full green, vehicles in the left turn lane may make a left turn when there is no oncoming traffic. Vehicles continuing straight through the intersection or turning right must be in the right lanes. Traffic in the left lane is prohibited from going straight through the intersection.
The new pattern allows vehicles and pedestrians to proceed from oncoming directions at the same time and reduces wait time for both. Please use caution to move to the right lane as you approach the Harbor Dr./Venice Ave. intersection if you wish to proceed straight through the intersection, and take note of the pavement markings that clarify the traffic pattern for each lane.
For additional information, please contact Jennifer Dorning, Project Public Information Officer, at 239-338-7723 or by email at [email protected].