The Mask as a Symbol of Subjugation

The lockdown was never really about a pandemic. Covid19 was just the pretext.
We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.
— The New England Journal of Medicine, May 21, 2020
(T)hey told us exactly what was coming, and advised us to shut up and follow orders. Tragically, most people have done just that.
— CJ Hopkins, 2020
It’s difficult to imagine a crueler attack on the human family than the insidious prevention of person-to-person contact. What amounts to house arrest, plus enforced wearing of masks, plus the order to stay a body length from others, has the stated aim of preventing contagion, but as philosopher Giogio Agamben put it recently, “It is political contagion, let it be understood”. He’s correct. The contagion that must be checked is not viral but political. The triad of official mandates hinders communication that cannot be monitored. If online, unauthorized political discourse and strategy can be recorded for the individual’s dossier. In the street not so, at least not yet.
In 1933, Hitler suspended the Weimar Constitution following the Reichstag fire. Citizen rights under that Constitution were abolished and never reinstated. A similar drama continues to play out in the United States since the 9/11 attack, which resulted in the Patriot Act (of ironic title) that trashes the U.S. Constitution, resulting in free rein for the nation’s intelligence organizations in concert with the social media giants. The First Amendment is being negated according to someone’s definition of “hate speech” or “community standards”, with entire sites of information and opinion being “deplatformed”. The Fourth Amendment is a hollow lie in that each citizen’s every act is recorded toward that planned-for day in which all activities are digitally recorded, and woe betide creative souls who offend the rules.
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