Suncoast: Charlotte High School Teacher Arrested for Sexual Encounter with Student




Suncoast:  Charlotte High School Teacher Arrested for Sexual Encounter with Student




Brendan William Toop, a teacher at Charlotte High School, was arrested on a warrant from the Punta Gorda Police Department after turning himself in to the Charlotte County Jail earlier today. Toop was charged with Sexual Battery by Custodian (Victim between 12 and 18 Years of Age) stemming from an investigation of allegations that he had a sexual encounter with a 17 year old female student in his classroom in 2017. The investigation uncovered another alleged victim who did not wish to pursue criminal charges and a possible unknown third victim. He was released on $150,000 bond.


The probable cause affidavit can be downloaded below. Please note that for the protection of the vicims’ identities, names and personally identifying information have been redacted in accordance with Florida public records laws.  To review the PCA click — >>> here