Suncoast: A burning fragrant candle leads to a scorched car this morning


Photo: Charlotte County Fire and EMS



Suncoast: A burning fragrant candle leads to a scorched car this morning


Charlotte County Fire and EMS


Engine 2 put out a car fire in the parking lot of Culver’s in Murdock Monday morning. No one was injured but the fire could have easily been prevented by following car fire prevention tip # 8 -Do not drive with a lit candle. (not a real tip, yet.)


The driver told our crew, the fragrant candle he was burning in the car, tipped over onto some papers and caught on fire. He stopped his car and ran for a trashcan to fill with water and when he got back, the car was engulfed in flames.


We were able to put out the fire but, unfortunately, not before the fire destroyed the car.