Sarasota: Man decides to show a child what she will look like when she grows up, using nude pictures to illustrate his point




Sarasota: Man decides to show a child what she will look like when she grows up, using nude pictures to illustrate his point



Since this is only one side  of the story, I have chosen to white out the persons face.   If you want more information or the unedited picture, you can visit Renee’s page.




Renee Kriner Spohnholtz


I’ve been back and forth with whether I was going to share this with everyone, or just keep it private, but I feel that if it can help someone, even if it’s just one person, I’ll feel better. Yesterday, July, 27th. I took 3 of my kids to Best Buy on South Tamiami Trl to help me pick out a birthday gift for their sister. When we were done in the store, we walked out to the van to load up and go home, and as my kids were getting in to the van, some man came running up to us and grabbed Ariana by the arm. He then looked her in the face and said yup, blonde hair, blue eyes, you’re the cutie I was looking at. he then said I want to show you what you’re going to look like when you’re grown-up do you want to see what you’re going to look like when you’re grown-up? at this point I freaked out and I told him no she does not want to see it. He then pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened it up and started pulling up pornographic and nudity pictures. He had a grip on my daughters arm so tight that I was kind of in shock and worried since he had her so tight I didn’t know how I was going to get her from his hands. excuse my language, but I told him if he didn’t let go of my daughter I was going to blow his fucking brains out. at that point it shocked him and he let go of her and I shoved her in my van and slammed the door shut and then got in my car and drove away. I parked further away in the parking lot and took pictures of the little bike motorcycle thing that he was riding on and then I called the police Ariana met with a criminal protective investigator just a little bit ago and told them everything that happened and the police officer told me that this man followed us through the whole store and it’s on video and when we left he ran behind us and then that’s when he ran up to my van. They have it all on video!! Thank GOD!!! I will be contacted once the warrant is out out, and then when he’s arrested. I will have to wait for the state’s attorneys office to get in contact to know what else we’ll have to do.


Edit: I decided to post his pictures because I want everyone to know his face. I don’t want anyone to ever have to go through what we’ve gone through the past two days. I don’t want anyone to ever turn their back for a second and their child be snatched. I’m so thankful for the Sarasota Police Dept for being on top of this. I’m also going to make this post public so everyone can share this.