Sarasota citizen Martin Hyde examines the current sheep mentality to other historical movements

Sarasota citizen Martin Hyde examines the current sheep mentality to other historical movements
Sarasota citizen Martin Hyde
The Milgram experiment in the 1960’s explored the potential to get large groups to be blindly obedient. History is littered with examples of what’s possible in terms of herd instinct if you make the lie big enough. From Russia in the early 20th century overthrowing the Tsar and ending up with worse conditions to the Germans in the 1930’s taking a promise of a better life so long as they exterminated the Jewish population. The Chinese blindly gave up their personal identity in favor of a bland and joyless common policy that even limited how many kids they could have. The Argentinians,the Cubans,the North Koreans,the Venezulans all have succumbed to a promise of better if they overthrew the status quo and got conned. Those that followed promises of cults like the Moonies in the 1960’s and Jim Jones which culminated in the mass suicide at Jonestown in the 1970’s all did so on false promises of a better life.
How different is the current leftist mantra of free education,free health,free housing,free internet etc etc? The people of Russia didn’t wise up for many years and those that did were sent to the Gulag in Siberia. The Germans were beaten and terrified into undertaking the greatest crime against humanity in our global history.
The Chinese and North Koreans are still living like peasants with zero freedom to express themselves.
It couldn’t happen here right? No way we’d allow the hard work of the past 250 plus years of our forefathers to be tossed onto the scrapheap in favor of a giant Nanny state where all outcomes are limited to equality? Don’t forget Obama told you that “You didn’t build that” and that’s exactly what the Globalist elite believe. You and any other individual are expendable in the quest for their vision of Utopia where hard work and skills are rewarded no better than ignorance and indifference.
The first step is to control the education system which they’ve done. The second is to control the media which they’ve also done. The final step is to control your free will and judging by the last few months they’re close to halfway there on that too. It’s ok to be a Liberal up to a point but where the demonstrators in Portland and others place are is WAY past that. They want to destroy everything that makes this the greatest country on Earth and turn it into another piss poor socialist welfare state where everyone is equally poor. Let’s prove the Milgram Experiment was wrong and that Americans can and will wake up from their slumber to recognize that stopping doing what made us great will make us fail. ??