New case manager position to help the homeless in North Port
New case manager position to help the homeless in North Port
City of North Port
North Port, FL. – A new case manager will help with ongoing reforms to reach and support the homeless in south Sarasota County. The City of North Port, Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Suncoast Partnership, and United Way of South Sarasota County are funding a full-time case manager to work with our Social Services Division and North Port Police Department. A goal is to get homeless individuals the resources they need while providing it in a respectable and efficient way in the process. Potentially, reducing a greater need for the judicial system and for law enforcement interaction.
Some steps have already been in the works in the City of North Port. Recently, the City and NPPD added a full time Homeless Liaison Officer to their ranks. Officer Erin Finnegan works as a resource for new and chronically homeless individuals. Working to make positive contacts and develop relationships with the homeless community. Providing a compassionate connection while working to engage individuals in homeless camps, assisting local churches during their food distributions, and much more. Since beginning this initiative, she and the Homeless Outreach Team have invested more than 1,000 hours into assisting the homeless community this past year. It has greatly impacted the work traditionally tasked to the City’s Social Services Division. In order to keep up, some more help is needed. The position can make sure the proper documents for assistance are being completed while patching individuals into the greater county wide efforts.
It’s believed there are roughly 100 individuals in the City of North Port who are considered homeless. Those numbers are expected to grow due to impacts from COVID-19 on all economies. Joshua Poling was recently hired to fill the position and is already working with the homeless outreach team. Poling is housed within the Family Service Center, 6919 Outreach Way. The total cost for the funding is currently projected to be $57,070. Each agency and the City throwing in portions between $7,000 and $20,000 each, for the first year.
You can find more information about our partner organizations in this effort here:
Gulf Coast Community Foundation:
Suncoast Partnership:
United Way of South Sarasota County: