Military marking round found on North Lido Beach – Parking & beach area closed




Military marking round found on North Lido Beach – Parking & beach area closed


**Update** via the SPD: Representatives from MacDill Air Force Base arrived and removed the military marking round from the area around the trash cans in the North Lido Beach area. They will dispose of it properly. All parking lots and beach accesses are back open. Officers with the Sarasota Police Department have also left the area.





Officers with the Sarasota Police Department have closed the North Lido Beach parking area (near Polk Drive and Benjamin Franklin Drive) along with a section of the beach out of an abundance of caution because a potentially explosive device was found this morning. 


Sarasota Police officers were called to the area after someone noticed the device (photo attached) near a garbage can in the parking area just before 7 a.m.  Members of the Sarasota Police Department Explosive Materials Unit responded and determined the device was a military marking round.  Representatives from MacDill Air Force Base are responding to dispose of the device properly.


Sarasota Police officers hope to have the area back open around lunchtime.  Please follow updates on Sarasota Police Department social media channels on Twitter @SarasotaPD and Facebook at