Mayor of Venice calls for a special meeting to once again push a mask mandate while outside and inside
by Francesco Abbruzzino, Publisher, The Scoop
** Update** The meeting has been changed to 8.2.20 at 1pm.
** Update ** The 7.24.20 meeting where the Mayor wanted to once again push for a mask mandate, after his initial two attempts failed, was cancelled.The rescheduled date is this Wednesday on 7.29.20 at 1pm. However, the City Clerk said in an email that this date may change again.
The council plans on discussing the specifics regarding the ordinance that strongly recommend people wear mask, which Earle tweeted about below. Also, The Mayor wants another try at mandating mask. The ordinance will require a 2/3 vote as an emergency ordinance. If it doesn’t pass with the 2/3 vote, they can make a motion to approve it on first reading and schedule it for final reading, allowing for the advertisement for a regular ordinance, which would require 4 affirmative votes, no matter how many are in attendance. If you want to send an email to the mayor and all council members, use: [email protected].
.@CityofVeniceFL Council unanimously approves resolution endorsing the use of masks; votes 5-2 to direct staff to draft an ordinance mandating mask use but only for discussion. Story to come. @HeraldTribune @HT_GunWriter
— Earle Kimel (@earlekimel) July 21, 2020
The Mayor of Venice is not giving up on mandating mask. This would be his third attempt, losing on teh first two. During his last attempt, he lost in a 3 to 4 vote, needing a super majority of 5 votes. You can read the notes from that vote at the bottom of this page. Now he has called for a special meeting to mandate mask. During the last meeting the council unanimously voted to pass a resolution requesting individuals to wear mask. Below is the information on the special meeting this Friday.
I believe market forces should resolve this issue and not an over reaching government. As we have all seen the market has stepped up and businesses have mandated mask at numerous retail and restaurant locations. So, does government really need to step in? Unless the Mayor wants to mandate wearing mask outside, which is really the only reason to get involved. Well that and to push his parties narrative and agenda……
I wore a mask today to give blood and visit my doctor. Due to my sinus issues, I had a hell of time breathing. I know there is a generally a medical clause, but having to explain that to everyone……. I can’t imagine being at the Farmer’s Market in Venice on a hot Saturday and having to wear a mask, to meet the latest edict that was passed down last week. I hope someone does not pass out from the lack of oxygen and heat outside, then Venice is going to have a real expensive headache.
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 12:24:59 PM
To: City Council <[email protected]>; Kelly Fernandez <[email protected]>; Edward Lavallee <[email protected]>
Cc: All Directors Assistants <[email protected]>; Marianne Kiepert <[email protected]>
Subject: Special Meeting Called – July 24, 10:30 a.m.
The mayor has called a special meeting for Friday, July 24 at 10:30 a.m. for the purpose of directing staff to draft an ordinance to mandate masks in the City of Venice, mirroring the City of Sarasota and Town of Longboat Key’s ordinances.
Please mark your calendars. Thank you.
Lori Stelzer, MMC
City Clerk