Florida Reports Record 10,000 COVID-19 Cases; Pence – White House Backs Reopening Rollback
Florida Reports Record 10,000 COVID-19 Cases; Pence – White House Backs Reopening Rollback | Zero Hedge
- Texas whisper number tops 7k
- Florida positivity rate at record 16.7%
- Fla sees highest daily death toll in a month
- Pence says Trump supports some economy closures
- NYC to open streets nightly to accommodate restaurants
- Refuses to support mandatory mask wearing
- US reports ~50k deaths largest daily total yet
- Texas hospitalizations pass California’s for 1st time
- Dr. Gottlieb: ‘Outbreak will peter out by January, one way or another’
- Russia sees daily cases slowing modestly
- Brazilian death toll tops 60k
- India cases top 600k
- Mexico passes Spain for world’s 6th-biggest death toll
- Tokyo reports another 100 cases
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Update (1030ET): In an interesting, if unrelated, report, tennis star Novak Djokovic said his second COVID-19 test came back negative after he announced last week that he had contracted the virus. He and his wife are now virus-free.
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Update (1011ET): VP Mike Pence just said the president supports “some” of states efforts to delay or reverse their economic reopening efforts, officially walking back the White House’s line that there wouldn’t be any more shutdowns to fight the virus as the number of new cases comes soaring back. Furthermore, the VP claimed the White House would continue to “keep opening up America” while still taking steps to slow the spread of the virus.