Detectives arrested Michael Hammond after connecting him to a series of lawn equipment thefts in the Meadows subdivision



The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office arrested a man after connecting him to a series of lawn equipment thefts in the same Sarasota neighborhood.


Detectives began their investigation mid-July when a lawncare trailer was reported burglarized twice in one week in the Meadows subdivision. Detectives also learned a man later identified as Michael Hammond, DOB 06/24/77, was seen in the same area on July 11 attempting to take a hedge trimmer from a maintenance shed. A search of local pawn records revealed Hammond recently sold multiple power tools and other lawn equipment including those previously reported stolen. He was taken into custody on Thursday outside MoneyPro Pawn at 4555 Bee Ridge Road. At the time of his arrest, Hammond was in possession of power tools later determined to be stolen the day prior from a work vehicle parked in the Meadows. During an interview, he admitted to committing several burglaries in the area.


Hammond, of 4433 Longmeadow, is charged with five counts of Burglary, two counts of Grand Theft, two counts of Dealing in Stolen Property, and two counts of Providing False Ownership Information. He remains in custody today at the Sarasota County Correctional Facility on $48,500 bond. The investigation is ongoing and additional charges are pending.