Concern over someone calling himself Chris Wiener, who has a history of asking for money with a promise to return it
Concern over someone calling himself Chris Wiener, who has a history of asking for money with a promise to return it
I did look at the link and although this person was in Oakland, the posters are stating that he is now in Sarasota.
I own a business downtown, while in my car out front I was approached by a man, pretty well dressed (did not look homeless) who said his name was Chris wiener, he gave a story essentially stating he left his phone and wallet in a Lyft, that he can’t remember anyone’s number to call for a ride and wanted a ride or money promising to venmo it back. He tells me to verify who he is by googling his name. Apparently he isn’t aware there are reddit threads about him from back in other states (Oakland) staying he’s a con, here’s even a website about him –
I find this really interesting, I’m not knocking the dude but I think people in Sarasota should be aware and not fall prey to him. I give food to homeless but I don’t like the con, be honest, apparently he gets some sort of joy from running this game because it’s a little elaborate ( or so he thinks). I let SPD know, they are aware of him in the area. He’s not breaking a law, but like I said it would be nice for people to just be aware. During tough times everyone is going through, it wouldn’t be a good feeling to get conned trying to actually help someone.
I’d like to clarify a bit as well. I don’t want him shamed, obviously something is going on, but why is he doing this – that’s the question. I’d like to know more about this man, maybe the community can help him understand he doesn’t need to tell a story, there are people who would be happy to help – maybe something good for him comes of this