Commissioner Debbie McDowell:  Here is what we did during yesterday’s North Port Commission meeting




Commissioner Debbie McDowell:  Here is what we did during yesterday’s North Port Commission meeting


North Port Commissioner McDowell
Here’s my summary from yesterday’s meetings. As usual, here’s the link to the meetings and the time stamp so you can fast forward to the items you’re most interested in.
Commission meeting –
• About 6 months ago, we wanted to disband the Beautification Tree Scenic Highway (BTSH) Advisory board and combine their roles with the Environmental Advisory Board. The reason behind that was because we couldn’t get citizens to join the BTSH board. By the time 2nd reading happened there was enough interest we gave them 6 months for the citizens to continue their efforts to keep this board alive. We decided to take no further action. The board is full and they’re having meetings again. Congrats to the citizens! ? Vote 5-0. Starts at the 42M mark.

• We have a policy and procedure in place for issuing proclamations, recognition, key’s to the city and challenge coins. Vote 5-0. Starts at the 31M mark.

• 1st reading to create a process to enable solid waste to invoice monthly for commercial solid waste customers and collect late fees. Vote 5-0. Starts at the 49M mark.

• We reviewed the proposed agreement with the Sarasota County School Board for use of the pool for high school swim meets and water polo meets. We approved the rates for using the pool too. I am grateful the swim coach was available to answer our questions and for being part of the conversation! KUDOS coach! For the non-exclusive use of the pool, for practices, the rates will be 50% of the rates in the fee schedule. For exclusive use of the pool, for school-to-school meets (usually 2 hours long), the rates will be 50% of rates in the fee schedule. For exclusive use of the pool, for all day competitions, the rates will be 50% of the rates in the fee schedule plus the cost of the lifeguards. The next step: School Board to vote on accepting the final agreement. Any future teams requesting the use of the pool will have a separate agreement approved by Commission. Vote 5-0. Starts at the 2H 05M mark

• In the consent agenda, I noticed a discrepancy between the amount in the agreement for school crossing guards and the line item in the budget. The budget will be reduced to reflect the accurate amount of the contract, reducing the budget $19,000+/-. Every little bit helps to reduce the budget/millage rate! Vote 5-0. Starts at the 18M mark.

• Currently, a citizen can request commission emails thru the public record request (PRR) process, then those emails would automatically be viewable for anyone without making a PRR. Part of the PRR process including redacting sensitive information. We considered having all commission emails available and visible without going thru the PRR process, however, there is no ability to automatically redact sensitive information and could create issues among the citizenry. It was agreed to use the PRR process and NOT automatically put emails out for public view. The PRR process has increased from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, before a fee is charged. Vote 4-1 with Carusone dissenting. Starts at the 4H 13M mark
• I requested the discussion to freezing commission compensation for FY 20/21. In my opinion, this was a prudent thing to do given today’s financial climate for the citizens we serve. I made a motion but it did not receive a 2nd, motion failed. Starts at the 4H 43M mark

Road and Drainage
• We discussed the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for angle parking near various businesses along 41. We considered having a special tax to pay for this project by the businesses BUT we learned other parking projects were paid with surtax funds or grants. To institute a tax would be unjust for others who didn’t have to pay for the benefit and could create problems of who would be able to park in those spots on public land. We will continue to search for grants and keep the project on the horizon. Starts at the 7M mark

• A presentation was made about extending Toledo Blade north to SR 72 (Clark Road). No action was taken since this is not within the city limits. Starts at the 21M mark

• Sign toppers and monument signage will be installed to showcase Hyde Park, Fabian, Spearman and Biscayne Garden neighborhoods. The $50,000 in surtax funds was already budgeted. I have been against this project since day one, I believe that money would be better spent on other projects or prevent blight in the neighborhood’s vs putting signage in. Starts at the 1H 10M mark

• It has been uncovered that R&D does not charge an assessment for certain exempt properties but there’s no consistency on how that is applied. It was agreed to revisit this when R&D methodology study is conducted in 3 years. Vote 5-0. Starts at the 54M mark