Sarasota School board Commissioner Bridget Ziegler: Video Discussing COVID, Sarasota County Schools & School Openings
Sarasota School board Commissioner Bridget Ziegler: Video Discussing COVID, Sarasota County Schools & School Openings
Sarasota County Schools has released the Back To School survey for parents/guardians to complete to assist the District in ensuring we can appropriately serve all of our students based on the unique needs of the family and child, as well as ensuring our staff and community’s safety.
This survey needs to be completed FOR EACH SCHOOL your children attend by June 30th.
As a mom, who also works, I understand the myriad of concerns we all are feeling.
As a Board member elected to serve all of our community’s stakeholders- I believe we need to address the specific reopening plans, in conjunction with our partners at the Department of Health, during a special public meeting.
Please provide your feedback at the link below and SHARE!