Sarasota Memorial will be re-instituting visitation restrictions starting at 6 pm Friday, June 26 





Sarasota Memorial will be re-instituting visitation restrictions starting at 6 pm Friday, June 26



Sarasota Memorial Press Release



In light of the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in our community, Sarasota Memorial Hospital will be re-instituting temporary visitation restrictions starting at 6 pm Friday, June 26, to help ensure the health and safety of our patients, their families, our staff and the greater community.


Loved ones are encouraged to connect with patients via calls, texts and video calling apps like FaceTime and WhatsApp.


Limited Exceptions: No visitors will be allowed, except in special instances, such as end of life situations and for birth support. (See below.)


Any visitors allowed under these guidelines must be 18 or older, must undergo a screening and temperature check upon entry, and must wear a mask in the hospital. Approved visitors must remain inside the patient’s room or designated waiting area for the duration of their visit. Visitors who refuse to wear a face mask in the hospital will be asked to leave.


Allowed exceptions to visitor restrictions beginning 6pm June 26 will include:

    • Certain extraordinary circumstances, such as end-of-life care; department director’s approval is required.


    • Emergency Care Center (ER) patients can each have 1 support person, who may wait in the hospital lobby (first floor access only). If a patient requires assistance to receive treatment (such as a stroke patient who cannot speak), then an essential caregiver may be allowed to accompany the patient into the ER or other patient care area, as necessary.


    • Labor & Delivery / Mother-Baby Unit patients may each have 1 support person. Expectant parents with questions about how this will impact their birth experience may call 941-313-0943 to speak with a clinical nursing leader.


    • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patients may have two designated visitors, but only one may visit per day.


    • Pediatrics patients may have 1 parent or support person (1 visitor total).
    • Patients in surgical, procedural and testing areas may each have 1 support person, who must remain in the designated waiting area.


Vendors will not be allowed to enter the hospital without approval from the department with which they are working.


Note — Full visitor restriction remains in effect for patients with COVID-19, suspected or confirmed; patients at Bayside Center for Behavioral Health; and patients at Sarasota Memorial Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.