Sarasota County Administrator communicates that the staff will not recommend mandating mask
By Francesco Abbruzzino, Publisher, The Scoop
The scoop is that the Sarasota County Administrator has advised the Sarasota County Commissioners that his staff would not be recommending mandating wearing a mask. The driving force behind the decision is the same thing that we heard from Manatee County; it would be just to difficult to pursue. So, they will put out the message, which is covered by Kim below in her tweets.
After nearly 2 hours of discussion commissioners are moving on with their land use meeting. No motion passed. No mask requirements for Manatee County. @fox13news #manatee #covid19
— Kim Kuizon FOX 13 (@kkuizon) June 24, 2020
The only thing that will go out is a message from @ManateeGov recommending people be respectful of one another and remain socially distant and recommend CDC guidelines for Covid-19 @fox13news #manatee
— Kim Kuizon FOX 13 (@kkuizon) June 24, 2020
I made a point the other day that wearing a mask does not help an individual because they do not stop the virus, which is very small, from penetrating N95’s, let alone the bandito mask that we see so many wearing. They do protect others, if the mask wearer coughs or sneezes because it contains it. That is why so many medical professionals have stated that if you are not sneezing or coughing, then the mask really is not necessary for healthy individuals. Just think about it though, if they mask wearer is not cleaning their mask, the virus is set in the mask, so when the person gets home and throw is on the table…….. So, proper cleaning is something that is required, but I suspect not followed by many wearers of the bandito style mask.
I did write Sarasota County Commissioner Christian Ziegler regarding the communication that staff would not support mandating mask and his statement is below:
“Mask ordinances are unenforceable and most likely unconstitutional. I don’t believe we should criminalize citizens with misdemeanors, fines and 60 days in jail for not wearing a mask.
Let’s focus on what we know will help stop the spread – Individuals practicing individual responsibility. Wash hands. Social distance. Wear a mask if it makes sense for your situation. Stay home if you are sick. If you are exposed to someone who is COVID positive follow Health Department guidelines.
There have been some tough asks of our citizens – from shutting down schools and closing up businesses, to social distancing recommendations. And throughout, our community as a whole has been responsible and done a great job. Because of that, I am confident they will continue to do so.
To help encourage those efforts, the county government will continue to do PSAs on how to help stop the spread, which are great reminders for all.”
I do know that the City of Sarasota and City of Venice Mayor have indicated that they are in favor of mandating a mask, per an email from Feinsod on the city server and a tweet from the City of Sarasota. In the Mayor’s email he did note that the county and other city commissioner’s are not on board, so he can’t get the initiative passed.