Raw sewage spill at the Longboat Key force main pipeline since June 17th





Raw sewage spill at the Longboat Key force main pipeline since June 17th



Pursuant to Section 403.077, F.S., the Department of Environmental Protection has received the following Public Notice of Pollution for a reportable release. All information displayed was submitted by the reporting party.

Type of Notice: Initial Report
Date of Notice: 06/30/2020

Incident Information
Name of Incident: Sewage Force Main Failure
State Watch Office Case Number: 20203434
Start of Incident: 06/17/2020 00:00
Incident is on-going as of: 06/30/2020 18:32

Incident Description
Suncoast Waterkeeper reports an active release of raw sewage from the Longboat Key force main pipeline that carries all sewage from Longboat Key to Manatee County’s SW Treatment Plant. The Town of Longboat Key reports to State Watch that the spill has been ongoing since June 17. The pipeline carries approximately 2 million gallons of sewage to the mainland daily. The spill is located in an area of mangroves and woodland alongside Sarasota Bay and the Town has been been attempting to access the site with equipment.

Incident Location
Facility/Installation Name: Long Boat Key Force Main
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
State: FL
Zip Code: 34230
Coordinates (in decimal degrees):
Lat: 27.433517757901765, Long: -82.62919807433867
Click to view Incident Location
Impacted Counties: Manatee

Incident Reported By
Name: Justin Bloom
Title: Founder and Boardmember
Phone: (941) 275-2922
E-mail Address: [email protected]

On-Site Contact
Name: Justin Bloom
Phone: (941) 275-2922
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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