Erasing history altogether



Not content with defacing and pulling down statues of founding fathers and former presidents, the woke mob has now succeeded in influencing a MUSEUM in New York to remove a statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt.


The reasoning behind the move according to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, is that the statue, which features Roosevelt on horseback, with an African man and a Native American man at either side, could be construed as representing a “racial hierarchy”.


Not content with defacing and pulling down statues of founding fathers and former presidents, the woke mob has now succeeded in influencing a MUSEUM in New York to remove a statue of former President Theodore Roosevelt.


The reasoning behind the move according to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, is that the statue, which features Roosevelt on horseback, with an African man and a Native American man at either side, could be construed as representing a “racial hierarchy”.



The move appears to have been spurred by a previous incident in 2017, when protesters smeared “blood” on the statue and published a statement calling for its removal as an emblem of “patriarchy, white supremacy and settler-colonialism.”



The decision seems bizarre, given that the museum made a point of saying it feels there is no problem with Roosevelt in general, just the statue.


Indeed, the museum has several areas named after Roosevelt, including Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall, the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda and Theodore Roosevelt Park directly outside.


The museum also announced that it will rename its Hall of Biodiversity after Roosevelt as a nod to the former president’s work as a conservationist.


“It’s very important to note that our request is based on the statue, that is the hierarchical composition that’s depicted in it,” said The museum’s president, Ellen V. Futter.


“It is not about Theodore Roosevelt who served as Governor of New York before becoming the 26th president of the United States and was a pioneering conservationist,” Futter added.


The move comes as antifa leftists and BLM agitators continue to target statues nation-wide, having already pulled down statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, Francis Scott Key, and Christopher Columbus among others.








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