Gov Desantis: Phase 2 to re-open Florida rolls out on Friday!
Gov Desantis: Phase 2 to re-open Florida rolls out on Friday!
Bars, Pubs and Nightclubs Bars, pubs, and nightclubs that derive more than 50 percent of sales from alcohol should operate at 50 percent of building capacity with an emphasis on diminished standing room capacity and prioritizing outdoor service. Owners should consider:
- Restricting coupling of tables or table groups to 10 or fewer patrons.
- Encouraging beverage orders to be taken at the table by bar or wait staff rather than at the bar counter.
- Incorporating intentional and manageable traffic rows to enable responsible social distancing for patrons waiting on service when accepting orders directly at the bar.
- Cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces after each use.
Restaurants - Menus, if laminated, should be cleaned after each usage. Paper menus should be designed for single use and then disposed of immediately after use.
Restaurants and food establishments should operate at no more than 75 percent of building capacity, with appropriate social distancing and a minimum of 6 feet separating parties, as the virus is most transmissible indoors under close, sustained contact.
- Parties should not exceed 10 people. Businesses should limit inside waiting areas for patrons waiting to be seated.
- Allow walk-ins but continue to emphasize a reservations-only business model or call a head seating to manage spacing effectively in restaurant.
- Outdoor dining areas should continue to be prioritized.
- Operators should clean and disinfect all surfaces after every use.
- Businesses should consider posting signs to remind staff and patrons of safety andsanitization protocols.
- Businesses should continue to screen employees before work and consider requiring employees to wear face masks or face coverings while inside or within close proximity to members of the public
- Menus, if laminated, should be cleaned after each usage. Paper menus should be designed for single use and then disposed of immediately after use.
- Businesses should avoid cafeteria-style dining arrangements. If salad bars or buffets are utilized, efforts to mitigate risk should include barriers to block virus spread from sneezes and coughs and service utensils should be handled by staff and/or washed frequently
Gyms and Fitness Centers
- Operate at no more than 75 percent of building capacity.
- Gyms and fitness centers should: Adhere to strict social distancing and sanitation protocols, including cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces after each use.
- Resume indoor group sessions and classes with restricted capacity to promote social distancing, as the virus is most transmissible indoors under close, sustained contact.
Read the full document starting on page 26 by clicking — >>> here