City of Sarasota City Manager recruits Les McCurdy to push his mask narrative, prior to the vote next week




City of Sarasota City Manager recruits Les McCurdy to push his mask narrative, prior to the vote next week


Maybe Thomas should watch this video, regarding the unhealthy impact of mask.  Or read some of the studies that illustrate how ineffective mask are, especially the bandit mask we see everybody wearing. To be quite honest, I do not go into businesses that make customers wear a mask. So, I will not be going into Sarasota businesses if this mandate passes. So, doesn’t that make mandating mask a economy killer versus the narrative Thomas is pushing, that not wearing a mask will kill the economy? Francesco


From: Thomas Barwin
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 12:50 PM
To: Les McCurdy <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: social media spots


Good stuff.  Thanks for sharing.  And for some of the anti-maskers, maybe knowing the economic toll of a start up, shut down, clown around with a pandemic approach, is a jobs killer…..maybe if they come to figure it will hurt their pocket book, even if they don’t care about yours, they might soften up a bit and wear a mask indoors or in  crowd.

From: Les McCurdy <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:59 AM
To: Thomas Barwin <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: social media spots

Caution: This email originated from outside the City’s email system. Be Suspicious of Attachments, Links and Requests for Login Information. Verify requester via phone call before exchanging sensitive information. Think B4U Click!

In doing research about the Why of not wearing Masks

I felt like I wanted to try to address the those issues

We need to figure out how to get to those folks not preach to the choir

I know that is what we all want

I want to find some folks that speak to those groups which seem to be

Under 40 party crowd, Bikers, Strong Trump Republicans, Outdoor enthusiasts, ect…


Issues seem to be

It’s Unconstitutional to tell me I must wear a Mask

Well We heard that with Seat Belts and Indoor Smoking and now Phone use while Driving

We did take away the personal freedom to drive a car without wearing a seatbelt We banned smoking inside or in big groups even outdoors

Very few people argue those personal freedoms being taken away

Hell at a point years ago it was even drinking and Driving

It is uncomfortable and or it makes me appear weak and afraid

Well once again the uncomfortable goes to seat belts

Weak? it would show strength to wear it and anyone who is not nervous about getting this Virus believes it can’t hurt them when it can

I believe this is no worse than a bad Flu

You are not understanding and trusting the experts it’s amazing when someone who is far from an expert thinks they no more than a PHD in the field

It’s like when I see a 20 handicap golf husband tell his wife that the instruction she got from her PGA Pro was BS because he doesn’t like to do it that way

The distrust that the info from the EU is BS here we have the same population and we are now 10 times worse in cases and deaths

Sweden who went rogue like the No Maskers want to do ended up in two months having 40 deaths per 100K

while all their neighboring countries who did the proper protections have 6 deaths pers 100K

Sweden has now totally changed to what everyone else in the Europe and Scandinavia is doing

The worst Flu killed about 65,000 in a year we have over 100K in five months and even if they think the numbers are pumped up it is still crazy worse

Right now the VIrus death looks 10 times worse but even if it was only 3 times worse it would kill more people this year than all accidental deaths in 2019

which are Car accidents, Falls, and Poisoning (overdoses) put together


I am trying to take this info and get the message to the non mask wearers to understand it

I have reached out to some local well known people to see if they would do a quick “Wear your mask!” Promo






On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 10:39 AM Thomas Barwin <[email protected]> wrote:



Do you, or you and someone you know, want to try a quick social media plug encouraging people to wear masks.    Someone of note or celebrity status, or maybe the Mayor or someone here, or a set up person, could make a joke and say something like “This Covid-19 is a bummer, mostly because we are seeing “less of McCurdy” …..than you could do a quick bit on the need for folks to wear masks so everyone can get back to life and see “more of Les McCurdy’s!”.


I’ve copied our public information and video staff, but we have pretty good local numbers via facebook, twitter, Instagram, and our weekend newsletter.


Your thoughts and availability tomorrow or Friday morning?     We are planning a big push on mask wearing over the weekend and hope to give out 50,000 over the next week.




From Sunny Sarasota,


Tom Barwin