Venice will re-open the jetty, pier and dog beaches on Monday


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Venice will re-open the jetty, pier and dog beaches on Monday



City of Venice


In partnership with Sarasota County, which is reopening all dog parks in the County next week, the Brohard Paw Park in the City of Venice will reopen to dogs and their owners on Monday, May 11. This reopening includes the fenced-in play area and the dog beach. A reminder to please pick up after your pet. Waste bags are provided at the Paw Park.

Humphris Park and the South Jetty point, Jetty Jack’s concessions at the South Jetty, and the Venice Fishing Pier will also reopen to the public on May 11.

Visitors must adhere to social distancing guidelines and posted rules at all these locations. Please maintain a 6-foot distance from others and limit groups to 10 or fewer. These locations will be patrolled by law enforcement. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Playgrounds, the Centennial Park Interactive Children’s Fountain, and basketball and shuffleboard courts in the City of Venice will reopen in future phases.