Venice: Expect delays on the island due to an unforeseen underground conditions in the intersection of W. Venice Avenue and Harbor Drive
Venice: Expect delays on the island due to an unforeseen underground conditions in the intersection of W. Venice Avenue and Harbor Drive
City of Venice
A reminder that due to unforeseen underground conditions in the intersection of W. Venice Avenue and Harbor Drive, crews are replacing underground pipe in the intersection. Motorists should expect some turning movements prohibited, as well as some lane closures, through next week. The contractor anticipates opening the intersection at the end of each work day and on the weekend. Every effort will be made to provide access to the downtown businesses.
Motorists are asked to avoid the intersection and utilize side streets and other routes when possible. Once this underground work is completed, the contractor will be installing new textured, asphalt crosswalks to match the remainder of downtown.
This work is part of the Phase II Road Bond Resurfacing Projects.