Venice “consortium” leader blames the City Manager and Bob Daniels for fellow “consortium” member Ron Feinsod, not being able to shine as the Mayor

Venice “consortium” leader blames the City Manager and Bob Daniels for fellow “consortium” member Ron Feinsod, not being able to shine as the Mayor
—–Original Message—–
From: Mike Rafferty
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, May 4, 2020 9:19 am
Subject: Fwd: Tale of 2 Cities
From: Mike Rafferty
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, May 4, 2020 9:19 am
Subject: Fwd: Tale of 2 Cities
Good Morning Ron,
You previously saw the attachments….the Sarasota one from our nemesis Bob Daniels and the Venice one from our City Manager, Ed.
Interesting contrast…..
Staff fiddles, while Venice burns, and Council refuses to support Mayor….City Manager counting days to retirement….Finance Dept in CYA mode after several years of advocating deficit financing…..City Finance Dept identifies $1 million shortfall in current budget……City Manager cancels July 4 fireworks and saves chump change ($15,000+/-)
Sarasota City Manager identifies $4.3million shortfall immediately cuts $4.4 million and outlines strategic plan.
What planet are we on?
We have placed you in an impossible position….you have no help from staff or Council.
We can only encourage you to do what you have been doing……the majority of one standing up to staff/Council.
Continue to make your position clear on the pandemic (as you have, urge us to follow the guidelines) and COV finances….we are heading for and/or are in a financial crisis and the sooner we start cutting the better…..staff/expenses…given where we are, no one and nothing is/are “essential”….no man/woman is an island, all toys are expendable!
You are a business man and you know what it takes to survive. Unfortunate the other quote, “businessmen/women” on Council don’t.
We are in desperate need of leadership akin to that seen during the Great Depression, to take firm control of the helm and steer our city safely home.
You are in the saddle.