Venice Christian School and One Christ Won City will be operating a one-day nonperishable food donation program this Saturday
From One Christ Won City
May 30, 2020
Help Our Children
8 AM to 10 AM
Every summer arrives in Venice with a critical need in our city. The need is to supply our six main food pantries with supplies so they can feed the children of our city. This need has been wonderfully met by the US Postal Service for many years, on the second Saturday of May, working with 200 volunteers from various groups. We collect over 60,000 pounds of food which is all used by our local food pantries.
This demand is in part a result of schools being closed and the children NOT receiving meals at school.
Two things have happened in 2020 which have exasperated the need:
First, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in job and income loss for thousands of local households. The second, because of the Pandemic, the US Postal Service has understandably canceled this year‘s May food drive.
As of today, due to Covid-19, even more children and families need a hand up and the supply has been reduced by 60,000 pounds of food.
Our Answer
One Christ Won City, a local 501 C3, will be operating a one-day program called “Feed Venice.”
One Christ Won City has collaborated and united with our six local food pantries, Community Assistance Ministry, Center of Hope, South County Food Pantry, Salvation Army, Laurel Nokomis Civic Association, and the Nazarene Food Pantry. Under their direction, their essential food items will be gathered at Feed Venice.
One Christ Won City has collaborated with our local churches, as of today, we appreciate Christ Venice, The Bridge, Lift, Greater Holy Temple, Fellowship Bible, Venice Bible, South Venice Christian, Harvest Chapel, New Hope Christian, New Life, Nazarene, First Christian, Auburn Presbyterian, First Presbyterian, Cornerstone Baptist, New Hope West, First Baptist Nokomis, Church of the Holy Spirit, Holy Orthodox Church, and Center Of Hope, . We welcome and invite every Church, club and organization to collect and sort the essential food items, please call Jim 941-223-1771 to help Feed Venice. Each of the OCWC participating churches will deliver these supplies to the Feed Venice, headquarters at Venice Christian School 1200 Center Road. Thank You Principal Frimmel for your support
We are asking the public (all citizens} to bring Peanut Butter, Mac and Cheese, Soup and Cereal to Venice Christian School May 30, 2020 between 8 am and 10 am. We will have a convenient drive through food drop. You will not need to exit your vehicle. Our volunteers will take and sort your generous donation. Please remember all the Feed Venice food items will stay in Venice and help feed local children and families. May YOUR compassion for feeding the little children of Venice compel you to give a food item and encourage the parents of the children by providing a hand up through Feed Venice. Thank you in advance for sharing what you have with others.
In His Service
Jim Foubister
President / One Christ Won City