Update on the Cranberry Blvd/ W. Price Development Project in North Port
Update on the Cranberry Blvd/ W. Price Development Project in North Port
Written by Stacy Tynan Tracy
• 24-hour 7-11 Gas Station with a Car Wash
• Representative for developer: Jackson Boone w/ Boone and Boone
• 16 Total Gas Pumps
Hello everyone, I just wanted to send out some information and inform anyone in the neighborhood who may not have received the city letter that was sent out to inform you of the proposed Gas Station development. The city claims over 500 letters were sent out to the local residence who will be impacted. PZAB (planning and zoning dept) had a virtual Zoom meeting last Thursday, and unfortunately with the exception of 1 member on the board, they passed this through and granted the proposed project their special exceptions as well!
I have been in contact with several of the Commissioners in North Port at City Hall. They are very eager to hear from us all and get our feedback on what our feelings are about this project. This is not a done deal, as stated in the meeting in order for the developers to carry on with this project they need the Commissioners to pass a majority vote on 2 special exceptions;
• Fuel service delivery through residential zoning neighborhoods
• 24-hour car wash
There will be a online Public Comment meeting the Thursday May 14th at 10 :00 am www.cityofnorthport.com for us residence to submit our concerns and views. It is so important to get the word out to protect our neighborhood. We really need everyone to take a moment NOW and just submit comment or call and leave a voicemail prior to these two meetings so the Commissioners can hear our voices. The developer and their attorneys are banking of this pandemic that has restricted so many of us the access to the city hearings. This project will have several negative effects to us all regarding health, safety and the decreased value of our homes.
The FINAL hearing will be May 26th at 6:00 pm. Our 5 Commissioners will review all the comments and public concerns and review the facts then take a majority vote on whether to let this project move forward.
if you wish to attend any meetings, we are welcome and encouraged to speak or leave your feedback. Any individual who decides to speak at this meeting will be allowed a total of 3 minutes each. If anyone is unable to attend, but still would like to voice their feedback and or opinion to each of the Commissioners you may do so via email them and discuss this matter or obtain more information, you may contact them direct. Please be aware each Commissioner should individually be contacted, there votes are confidential and not shared regarding the project.
Debbie McDowell: Mayor([email protected])
Jill Luke: Vice Mayor ([email protected])
Vanessa Carusone Commissioner ([email protected])
Christopher Hanks Commissioner ([email protected])
Pete Emrich Commissioner ( [email protected])
This development could impact our neighborhood in several ways;
• Impact Fees
• Homeowners Insurance fees increased / or dropped
• Noise increases substantial
• Traffic/congestion
• Homeless/ panhandling
• Diesel pollution
• Rodents
• Trash debris
• Property value in our homes will substantially decrease
• Drug use/ Drug sales
• Hub for crime- gas stations are known for increased robberies that are near residential neighborhoods
• Wildlife displaced
• Refueling semi tanks in our neighborhood spread carcinogenic vapors while they refuel tanks which is one of the main causes of cancer
• Entrance to gas station is 1 street block from elementary, middle school, and high school bus stop. (Cranberry Blvd/Alesio)
• 16 pumps mean 3 Fueling Tanks buried 20 to 30 feet underground which will contaminate soil and can leak into residence well water
• Environmental Risks – Gas spills and run off
You may also submit an Aggrieved Persons letter if you live adjacent to these lots like myself and submit it via email to the North Port City Clerk office. Heather Taylor is the Deputy City Clerk ( [email protected]) and copy each Commissioner as well. An aggrieved person letter is for anyone whose property values will be impacted from the 7-11 development project.
You can also monitor upcoming agendas at:
I am a long time North Port resident. I built my home here in 2000 and I personally OPPOSE this development project and the negative impacts in will bring. Another gas station is not what our community needs, and has NO business being built in the middle of all residential homes. For facts on why we need to STOP this: https://ceds.org/success%20examples#gasstation
Thank you for your time , we appreciate everyone’s support