Suncoast: A tossed cigarette bud leads to a fire closing down all lanes on 75 NB on Sunday


Photo: Charlotte County Fire and EMS



Suncoast: A tossed cigarette bud leads to a fire closing down all lanes on 75 NB on Sunday


Charlotte County Fire and EMS
Just after 2:30pm on Sunday, a tossed cigarette caused a two acre brush fire in the median of I-75 between mile marker 169 and 168. The windy conditions caused thick smoke to blow across the lanes limiting visibility. The interstate was shut down completely for a short time and then one lane was opened northbound.
The fire spread onto the East shoulder before it was completely contained at 3:47 pm. All northbound lanes were reopened by 4:24 pm.
Forestry responded with two bulldozers which cut a fire ring through the woods and helps our brush trucks to get into the woods to put water on the fire.
Please, if you smoke, do not throw your cigarette butt out of your car.