North Port Commissioner Emrich on the cities pothole hell




North Port Commissioner Emrich on the cities pothole hell



The Pothole from Hell.


At the Road & Drainage meeting, Commissioners discussed options on what to do about the never ending potholes on private property behind Popeye’s in North Port. We learned each business is responsible for the property directly behind their building. This makes it difficult to get the entire length repaved at the same time.
Commissioners were told the City could take over that property and make it a City road and maintain it. There are real drainage issues plaguing that area.

The property owners have been fined numerous times because the potholes have become 5 ft deep in some areas. The City also repaved those potholes at least 12 time in the past 9 years and charged the property owners. They haven’t all paid all times. They still owe the city fines.

Since it is private property and the Commissioners don’t want to spend taxpayer money on these potholes, the businesses will be told that the City’s Code Enforcement will enforce the rules and go after them every time there is a health, safety issue. Commissioners are also having staff work on an ordinance to better enforce safety issues associated with maintaining private commercial property similar to condemning an abandoned home.


The biggest concern is that police cars or an ambulance or garbage truck may hit these potholes while responding to a call or emptying the trash after a rainstorm and damage city equipment and injuring the drivers. We don’t want to see ANY drivers or motorcyclists injured by these potholes.

It’s very important to understand this is private property and people can complain to the City and the City can give the names of the property owners so the public can complain to them and hold these people accountable for anyone who is harmed by these giant potholes.


The property owners will be receiving a letter from the City.